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Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (Audiobook)

Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (Audiobook)

By Walmart

4.5 (77)

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Price last updated : Aug 11, 2024 1:11 AM

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    Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (Audiobook)

    Looking for the ultimate price deals for Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (Audiobook) in the Books category? Check out prices from top online sellers and be sure to get maximum worth on BuyRadar. Whether you are interested in the most recent features or the finest bang for the buck option, our platform ensures that you can choose wisely. Explore best deals, check user reviews, and track prices for Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (Audiobook) to help you shop smarter. You can start saving today by using our all-inclusive comparison for Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (Audiobook). More info coming soon.

    Customer Reviews

    4.5 of 5

    7 customer reviews

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    from dougarb

    makes so much sense, a shame he's considered a dangerous radical by Democrat Party


    from dypaloh

    I decided to revisit Free to Choose almost four decades after first reading it because Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism strongly suggested that Milton Friedman, or at least the ideas and policies he championed, had some explaining to do. At the time Free was publi...


    from LisaMaria_C

    This book published in 1979 by a Nobel-Prize-winning economist and his wife is still relevant (and in print) over 30 years later. The Preface tells us the book had "two parents;" Friedman's 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom where he argued free markets make for free societies, and the ten-part 198...


    from crisostimo

    If I had to recommend only one book to any American written by an American, this would be it. Milton Friedman was an economic genious and a great influencer of world economics. The amazing thing is that he was able to communicate well both to the world of high-minded economic academics as well as...


    from Miro

    Every once in a while a book crystallises a world view. Free To Choose has a good claim in this respect arriving as it did in 1980 . It's a clear exposition of the free market economics that influenced Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, leading to one of the greatest economic booms in history a...

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