- Sports & Outdoors
- Outdoor Sports
- Firefly! Outdoor Gear Youth 1L Hydration Reservoir, 7 in. x 1 in. x 11 in.
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Youth 1L Hydration Reservoir, 7 in. x 1 in. x 11 in.
$ 11.90
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Price last updated : Nov 28, 2024 3:11 AM
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Firefly! Outdoor Gear Youth 1L Hydration Reservoir, 7 in. x 1 in. x 11 in.
Customer Reviews
4.5 of 5
28 customer reviews
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from Karen
I purchased this to put in my dog's saddle bags and it looks like it will work fabulously. we will get a silcone collapseable dish and be able to give her water that she packed around. It is just about the perfect size to fit in the side bags, and the hose is the right length to work for us.
from Gloria
Great size for kids. It also has measurement level indicators so I know how much water is in the hydration reservoir.
from Jacqueline
This is so handy! I've been freezing it half full and then filing up the rest with liquids (and some alcoholic beverages haha), and then taking it to the beach in my beach bag! Super convenient and discreet! I love that it stay cold longer because it's not coming out of my bag everytime I want a ...
from Smiles
This little resovoir is perfect for my daughter's backpack. She is able to stay hydrated on hikes and the weight of the water is evenly distributed in her back. I like that the size is smaller. That way, she won't overload how much weight she carries. It is easy to clean and use. The only issu...
from Cajunlimey
I've been looking for a way to keep us from having to stop every five minutes so my daughter can take a drink of water while we're walking. This is the solution that we've been looking for!! It'll take some getting use to with filling it up since the cap is right there on the front. And it took a...
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